Vera Egbers, BTU Cottbus co-editor of "Architectures of Colonialisms"east
Hélène Frichot, University of Melbourne project partnereast
Sara Frikech and Johanna Just, ETH Zurich editors of LUS Talkseasteast
Evelien Geerts, University of Birmingham feedbackeast
Lisa Hinterreithner, artist curator of "into the earth"easteast
Elke Krasny, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna permanent mentoreasteast
Petra Lilja, Konstfack Stockholm co-author of "sensing interdependency, experiencing embeddedness, extending the frame while zooming in"east
Kristina Sehlin Macneil, Várdduo - Centre for Sámi Research ethics feedbackeast
Jelena Micić, artist artistic director of WIENWOCHEeasteast
Sonal Mithal, CEPT University Ahmedabad exchangeeasteast
mirko nikolić, Linköping University exchange on materialismseast
May-Britt Öhman, Uppsala University reviewer of "Doing Material Positionality while Listening to the Prolonged Coloniality of a Mining Town on Indigenous Ground"easteast