Spatial / artistic / cultural practitioners from Malmberget and Eisenerz who co-shaped this work (in alphabetic order)

Margit Anttila

Margit Anttila has worked as an educator, also within textile work. She lived in Malmberget for a long time and in 2019 she embroidered the dismantling of the town of Malmberget together with her colleagues.

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(c) Margit Anttila

Pernilla Fagerlönn

Pernilla Fagerlönn teaches vocals at Kulturskolan in Gällivare and is a choir leader. In 2019, she curated / organized the Farväl Focus Festival in Malmberget and in 2022 she composed and orchestrated the ice musical “Allt vi är gjorda av” [“All we are made from”], also about Malmberget.

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Gerhild Illmaier east

Gerhild Illmaier, who grew up in Eisenerz, has run the FreiRaum gallery since 2016 in a former hairdressing salon in the centre of town. The space is used as a workshop and laboratory and for exhibitions with an international and regional programme.

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(c) Gerhild Illmaier

Lis-Mari Gurák Hjortfors

Lis-Mari Gurák Hjortfors lives in Koskullskulle, between the LKAB’s ore mine and Aitik’s copper mine. She is a Sámi researcher (ethnology) who counter-narrates local histories of Gällivare / Malmberget / Koskullskulle / Storlule / Stora Lule river in publications, exhibitions and pedagogical work. Her starting point was the violence of race biology which concerned her Lule Sámi family.

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Karin Hojak-Talaber east east east east

Art historian Karin Hojak-Talaber, who grew up in Eisenerz, published the history of the women working in Erzberg in 2021. This resulted in an exhibition at the FreiRaum gallery in Eisenerz and the History Museum of Graz. Since 2023, she has co-created FreiRaum.

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(c) Christa Kolb, family archive

Edith Krapf east

Edith Krapf who grew up in Eisenerz leads the town’s museum called “Museum im Alten Rathaus” [“Museum in the Old Townhall”]. She advocates the maintenance of the extensive archival material of the museum and designs displays of special topics.

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Karina Jarrett east

Karina Jarrett is educated in Textile Art, Visual Communication and Cultural Studies. She initiated the embroidery café of Gällivare-Malmberget in 2017 as director of the local museum and started the project about the urban changes of Malmberget (exhibited in Sweden, Finland and Vienna, Wienwoche 2022). She also embroiders the affected animals, in particular birds.

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(c) Karina Jarrett

Eeva Linder east

Eeva Linder is one of the embroiderers of the group. She lives in Mellanområdet, between Malmberget and Gällivare. She embroiders mostly architectures, landscapes, plants, fungi and foxes.

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(c) Eeva Linder

Bianca Pehn east south

Bianca Pehn leads the executive department of city marketing of the municipality of Eisenerz, publishes the city magazine and is responsible for location management and processes of citizen participation. She coordinates activities of “Gemeinsam stark für Kinder" ["Together Strong for Children”] and focuses on supporting women in Eisenerz.

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Sieglinde Riedl east east

Sieglinde Riedl works together with Gabriele Tollschein, Julia Kowatsch and Nina Selivanova in the workshop of Jugend am Werk [“Youth at Work”] in Eisenerz. She’s also a core team member of the Stadtschmiede Eisenerz and champions an inclusive residential project in Eisenerz for people with special needs.

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(c) Roswitha Weingrill

Miriam Vikman

Miriam Vikman lived in Malmberget. She painted the colours of the facades before the houses were taken down. She is currently working on a path through the woods, which her family has used for a long time, in order to save the woods from clear cutting.

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(c) Miriam Vikman (photo Karin Reisinger)

Photos by Karin Reisinger if not mentioned otherwise.