
Reisinger, Karin. "Doing Material Positionality while Listening to the Prolonged Coloniality of a Mining Town on Indigenous Ground." In Architectures of Colonialism: Constructed Histories, Conflicting Memories, edited by Vera Egbers, Christa Kamleithner, Özge Sezer, and Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir. Basel: Birkhäuser, forthcoming April 2024. east
Reisinger, Karin. "Two Mining Areas: Spaces of Care amid Extraction." Architecture and Culture, special issue Fluid Regions edited by Simon Richards, 1–19 (March 2024). east
Lilja, Petra and Karin Reisinger. "sensing interdependency, experiencing embeddedness, extending the frame while zooming in." Proceedings of Politics of the Machines - Rogue Research 2021 (published 2022). east
Reisinger, Karin. "Struggles at the 'Peripheries': Situated Knowledge Production and Feminist Visions for Post-extractive Environment," Cidades 45 (published 2022). east
Reisinger, Karin. "Radically Alive, a Disappearing Mining Town at Europe’s Margins." In Architectures of Life and Death: Eco-aesthetics of the Built Environment, edited by A. Radman & S. Kousoulas. Lanham and Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. east east
Jarrett, Karina and Karin Reisinger. "Broderi som respons på förlust och sorg" [Embroidery Responding to Loss and Sorrow]. Täcklebo Broderiakademi 3–4 (2021): 26–29.
Reisinger, Karin. "Reflections About a Disappearing Mining Town in the Archive: Staying with Its Non-Permanency." In ArkDes Research Symposium on Architectural History 2018, edited by Christina Pech, 64-81. Stockholm: Arkdes, 2020. east